

Askem Content Audit is a comprehensive service designed to delve deep into the relevance and usability of your website from the user's viewpoint. We provide you with clear and concise reports, indicating development areas and practical suggestions for changes, tailored to take your user experience and satisfaction to the next level.

The project is typically conducted alongside a technical analysis, reinforcing the concept and design of your website.

*Starting from.

There are three primary stages:

1. Evaluation

2. Reporting

3. Monitoring (Optional)

Leveraging quantitative and qualitative analysis, we determine the efficacy of your current website content in serving online visitors.

Our detailed report provides insights into critical improvement areas, prioritised action points, practical change suggestions, and an overview of the content that's already performing well.

In collaboration with you, we track the effect of implemented changes on your content's performance and customer satisfaction.

When to choose Askem Content Audit?

If you're considering a website renewal and want to optimize what works and overhaul what doesn't from your users' perspective, Askem Content Audit is your answer.

Use the insights from our content audit to shape your new website's conception, streamline content production, and enhance your expertise during internal discussions.

We believe that optimal website conception includes the voice of the reader for a comprehensive outlook on your website's performance.

How It Works:

1st Phase

  • Get Started: We kick things off with an introductory meeting.
  • Data Collection: We install the Askem tool on your website and start collecting data over a period of 1-4 months.
  • Audit Report: We compile and present a thorough content audit report.

2nd Phase (Optional)

  • Revamp Period: Initiate website renewal or content development period.
  • Tool Re-installation: We install the Askem tool on your new website.
  • Follow-up Report: Our follow-up content audit report assesses the impact of development measures and offers further recommendations.

The investment in your project depends on the volume of content pages and traffic, as well as the level of reporting precision you select. 

Select Askem Content Audit and pave the way for a superior user experience that resonates with your audience.

Book a meeting with us!

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Book a meet

Want to know if your web users have found what they're looking for? Askem!

  • Schedule a meeting with us with no obligations
  • We’ll evaluate together with you if Askem will help you to collect actionable feedback, improve customer experience and save costs
  • We’ll either start working together or part ways for now